Saturday, December 5, 2015

Updated offers of external and internal internships and timetables

  • Offers of external and internal internships are available at:


  • Timetables are available at:


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Programa de becas de Repsol

Programa de becas de Repsol

·         LICENCIATURA  o GRADO: finalizada en el año 2013 o después del mismo.

·         GRADO: Finalizado en el año 2013 o después del mismo Y estar cursando MÁSTER OFICIAL O haberlo finalizado (estudiantes y antiguos alumnos).

·         Nivel de inglés C1. Este nivel es orientativo. Para avanzar en el Proceso de Selección deberán de superar una prueba interna de inglés,  que nos mostrará el nivel de inglés en que se encuentran los alumnos.

La duración de la Beca sería de 6 meses, con una ayuda al estudio de aproximadamente 920 Euros. En cuanto al horario, sería de 9 a 6, y siempre en nuestras oficinas centrales de Madrid.

Dicho todo lo anterior, los estudiantes o antiguos alumnos del referido Máster que estén interesados en nuestra oferta, deberán enviar su CV actualizado a o bien inscribirse en ésta oferta.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Seminario / Seminar 1 de Diciembre de 2015

The Master degree Economics of the University of Granada invites you on December 1st at 12.30 in room D011 in Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, to the following seminar (in english):

Title: Risks & Contracts: Design of an innovative management tool in business
Professor: Bert Eichhorn (SRH Berlin)

More information at:

Attendance to seminars is compulsory for students from Master Economics and highly recommended for all the students.

Academic committee of Master Economics

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Seminario /Seminar 27 de Noviembre de 2015

El Master universitario en Economía /Economics de la Universidad de Granada organiza el próximo 27 de Noviembre de 2015 a las 12.30 en el aula D011 de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, el siguiente seminario (en inglés):

Título: An approach to minimum cost spanning tree problems and extensions
Profesor: María Gómez Rua (Universidad de Vigo)

Más información en:

La asistencia es obligatoria para los alumnos del Master Economics.

Un saludo

Comisión académica del Master

The Master degree Economics of the University of Granada invites you on November 27th at 12.30 in room D011 in Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, to the following seminar (in english):

Title: An approach to minimum cost spanning tree problems and extensions
Professor: María Gómez Rua (Universidad de Vigo)

More information at:

Attendance to seminars is compulsory for students from Master Economics and highly recommended for all the students.

Academic committee of Master Economics
Master in Economics (Master en Economía) 
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Universidad de Granada
twitter: @ugrme

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Welcome students' representative in the Academic Committeee

We are glad to welcome students' representative in the Academic Committeee:  Alvaro Sanchez Quintana and in the Committee for Internal Guarantee of Quality : Victor Luis Garcia Gea.

We hope that this will help a fluid communication between the coordinators, professors and the students and a better management of the programme.


Updated offers for internships in departments and external institutions

The procedure to apply is available at:


Deadline for first call: November 30th

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Call to apply for Double Master degree in Economics and International Management

     - Students will obtain an official Master degree in Economics at the 
       University of Granada and an official Master degree in International 
       Management at SRH Hochschule Berlin (Germany)
     - Deadline: 27/11/2015 
     - Information available at*/

    Seminar November 19th

    The Master degree Economics of the University of Granada invites you on November 19th, at 10:30 in room D011 in Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, to the following seminar (in english):

    Title: "Bankrupcy problems: A cooperative game approach"
    Professor: Elena Iñarra (Universidad del País Vasco)

    More information at:

    Attendance to seminars is compulsory for students from Master Economics and highly recommended for all the students.

    Academic committee of Master Economics

    Friday, October 30, 2015

    Convocatoria Erasmus+

    Erasmus de Movilidad Internacional de Estudiantes de Posgrado
    Másteres oficiales 2015/2016 
    El plazo para presentar la solicitud finaliza el 11 de noviembre. En el siguiente 
    link encontraréis la publicación:*/convocatorias/convocatoria-erasmus-

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015

    Reunión de Inauguración / Welcome Meeting

    El martes 3 de noviembre se celebrará la Reunión de Inauguración del Master en Economía para el curso académico 2015/16. El programa puede consultarse en:


    On tuesday november 3, it will take place the Welcome Meeting of the Master in Economics for the academic course 2015/16. The program is available at:


    Friday, October 23, 2015

    Study Plan and Timetable (updated)

    * The updated version of the Study Plan is available at


    * The Timetable for the 2015/16 course is available at:


    Wednesday, October 21, 2015


    Quedan plazas libres para el Máster Universitario Economía/Economics de la Universidad de Granada. La Comisión Académica ha decidido abrir una nueva fase extraordinaria de solicitudes.
    El plazo de solicitud y de envío de documentación fijado es el MARTES 27 DE OCTUBRE de 2015. Las respuestas serán comunicadas el viernes 30 de octubre. Este nuevo proceso de solicitud no admite quejas ni reclamaciones por tratarse de un proceso extraordinario convocado de forma urgente ya que las clases comenzarán el próximo martes 3 de noviembre.
    Si usted está interesado/a en que su solicitud sea examinada, deberá rellenar el formulario de solicitud a través del enlace: Esta solicitud sólo será válida si recibimos la siguiente documentación por email, en el plazo establecido a indicando en Asunto: “Fase 4 y sus apellidos:”
    - Certificado acreditativo de reconocimiento de discapacidad (si procede)
    - Certificado de idiomas de inglés
    - Copia del título dando acceso a másteres
    - Copia del DNI /Pasaporte
    - Curriculum Vitae según modelo

    Juliette Milgram Baleix 
    Coordinadora del Máster Universitario Economía/ Economics

    The Academic Committee has decided to open a new extraordinary phase of applications.
    The deadline for application and for submission of documentation is Tuesday, October 27, 2015. The answers will be communicated on Friday 30 October. This new application process does not admit review or complaints because it is a special call that has to be performed quickly since classes begin next Tuesday, November 3.
    If you are interested in applying, you must complete the application form via the link: . This application is only valid if we receive the following documents by email before the established deadline (to be sent to indicating as subject: "Phase 4 and surnames":
    - Certificate attesting recognition of disability (if it proceeds)
    - English Language Certificate
    - Copy the title giving access to masters
    - Copy of ID / Passport
    - Curriculum Vitae according to the normal format
    With Regards,
    Juliette Milgram Baleix, Coordinadora del Máster Universitario Economía/ Economics

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    Alcampo Scholarship Program

    This program is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students  in the area of Business Administration, Marketing, Economics, among others. The duration is 6 months being a total the offered 100 vacancies.

    Below is the link that redirects you to the site, where you can see more detail Scholarship program:

    Programa de Becas Alcampo

    Este Programa está dirigido tanto a estudiantes de Grado, Universitario como de Posgrado
    dentro del área de ADE, Marketing, Económicas, entre otras.  La duración es de 6 meses
    siendo un total de 100 vacantes las ofertadas.

    A continuación os facilitamos el enlace que redirige al portal donde se puede ver con más detalle este programa de Beca:

    Comienzo de clases / School starts

    Estimados alumnos,

    las clases del Master en Economía del curso académico 2015/2016 comenzarán el 3 de noviembre. En breve, os informaremos acerca de la reunión de información e inauguración del master.
    Dear Students, 

    Master in Economics 2015/2016 academic year will begin on November 3In short, we will inform you about the information and opening meeting of the master.

    Monday, September 21, 2015

    Hasta siempre / See you (Master in Economics)

    Estimados todos:

    Tras 5 años como coordinador del Master in Economics and International Management (UGR-SRH Hochschule Berlin), he considerado que ha llegado el tiempo de dar el relevo. Durante todo este tiempo, el Máster ha ido creciendo progresivamente sin parar en calidad y en número de alumnos. La firma del convenio con SRH Hochschule Berlín en 2011 se convirtió en el principal factor diferencial de la titulación. Para ha constituido un gran orgullo personal haber sido artífice desde la UGR de la configuración del doble máster superando multitud de aspectos reglamentarios y burocráticos en tiempo récord. Las cifras de un 0% de desempleo entre los egresados con un rango salarial en el primer año de 30000-90000 euros en función del país de residencia hablan por sí solas. La valiente decisión de todos los profesores de impartirlo íntegramente en inglés fue también un hecho que facilitó que cerca de un 70% de los alumnos que lo cursan provengan de 4 continentes.

    En mis cerca ya de 20 años como profesor de la universidad pública este ha sido el reto más satisfactorio al que me he enfrentado. La reciente firma con la Escuela de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la UGR para la creación del doble/triple Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos/Economics and International Management (UGR /SRH Hochschule Berlin) ha constituido para mí el broche que coloca a este Máster como una referencia a nivel español.

    Paso el testigo de la coordinación del  Máster con la satisfacción del deber cumplido reflejado en los ojos de los estudiantes y los egresados. Seguiré vinculado al Máster no sólo como profesor sino como miembro de las Comisiones académicas y de garantía de la calidad. No obstante, quiero agradecer a todos los profesores del Máster y Personal de administración y servicios vinculado su entusiasmo y apoyo continuado que siempre me han hecho sentirme arropado en mis decisiones, a nuestros socios de SRH Hochschule Berlín su dinamismo y capacidad para hacer fácil lo difícil convirtiendo en realidad lo que al principio parecía un sueño inalcanzable, a la Universidad de Granada por el apoyo prestado especialmente desde la Escuela de Posgrado y el Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales, a nuestros profesores invitados que han sido muchos y han dado una perspectiva global al Máster y, como no, a nuestros alumnos que constituyen el motivo por el que esforzarnos para mejorar día a día.

    A todos gracias.

    Daniel Arias Aranda
    Catedrático de Organización de Empresas
    Universidad de Granada

    Dear all,

    After 5 years as director and responsible of the Double Master Degree in Economics and International Management (UGR/SRH Hochschule Berlin), it's time to pass the baton. All over these 5 years the Master's degree has been growing continually in quality and number of students. The signature of the agreement with SRH Hochschule in 2011 turned into the main differential factor for the program. Being the driver at UGR of the double degree development going through multiple bureaucratic difficulties in a record time has been a source of pride for me. Results of 0 per cent unemployment and salary ranges from 30000 to 9000 euros for our alumni in their first year after finishing their studies are a great proof of the Master's high performance. The courageous decision of all the Master's professors to let English as the only language of instruction was the turning point that increased international students up to 70 per cent.

    After nearly 20 years as university professor, this has been the most satisfactory challenge I've ever confronted. The recent agreement with the School of Civil Engineering for the creation of the double/triple Master in Civil Engineering, Economics and International Management (UGR/SRH Hochschule Berlin) raised the Master concept to the top as a reference in Spain.

    I pass the baton with the satisfaction of a mission accomplished reflected in the eyes of our students and alumni. I'll keep on being linked to the Master not only as professor but also as member of the Commissions of teaching and quality assessment. Hence, I want to thank all the Master's professors and staff for their enthusiasm and continuous support that made me feel upheld in all my decisions. Thank you to our partners SRH Hochschule Berlin for their dynamism and capability to make easy what seemed impossible turning into reality what looked like an unreachable dream. Thanks to the University of Granada for all the support, especially to the Postgraduate School and IRO. Thanks to our multiple guest professors who have a global perspective to the Master and thank you, of course, to all our students who are the main reason to work for improvement every day.

    Thank you all.

    Daniel Arias Aranda
    Full Professor of Management
    University of Granada - Spain

    Monday, July 13, 2015

    Call for Master Thesis defense.
    Two copies of your Master Thesis are required: one printed and another in PDF format on CD or DVD (documents delivery deadline is set on 11th September at 14:00).
    Best regards

    Friday, July 3, 2015

    Graduation Ceremony Master in Economics

    Congratulations to alumni of the Master in Economics in their Graduation Ceremony. This year with Vito Episcopo (president of the Granada Confederation of entrepreneurs) as Honor Speaker and Leonardo Caruana (Professor of economic history). Daniel Arias (Coordinator of the Master) thanks all the students, professors, guests speakers, family and friends for their support

    Wednesday, May 27, 2015

    Master Dissertation (TFM) June 2015

    Por la presente, tengo el gusto de convocarle a la Exposición Pública de Defensa del Trabajo Fin de Máster del Máster Universitario en Economía/Economics, que se celebrará el próximo día 26 de Junio, viernes, a las 10:00 horas, en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, como miembro del Tribunal elegido:

    Presidenta: Dra. María Nieves Pérez Aróstegui
    Vocal 1: Dr. Julián Alberto Díaz Saavedra
    Vocal 2: Dr. José María Pérez Sánchez

    Presidenta Suplente: Dra. Encarnación Álvarez Verdejo
    Suplente 1: Dr. Henry Aray Casanova
    Suplente 2: Dr. Leopoldo Gutiérrez Gutiérrez

    La Señora Presidenta del Tribunal, Dra. María Nieves Pérez Aróstegui

    Timetable for 2015/16 academic course

    Timetable for 2015/16 academic course are already available here

    Tuesday, May 12, 2015

    Seminar "Is Greece Turning the Corner? A Theory-Based Assessment of Recent Greek Macro-Policy" by Michael Arghyrou (Cardiff Business School)

    On 22th of May will take place the seminar  "Is Greece Turning the Corner? A Theory-Based Assessment of Recent Greek Macro-Policy" by Michael Arghyrou (Cardiff Business School) at 10.30. 

    Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales clases d011

    After, the Seminar "CREATIVIDAD E INNOVACION EN LA GESTION EMPRESARIAL DE LA INDUSTRIA CULTURAL MUSICAL" will take place in the same place by Prof. Gustavo Bautista from Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Tuesday, April 14, 2015

    Seminar "Inteligencia emocional: nuevos paradigmas" by Rut Muñoz

    On May 8th at 17.00 at Class D14 (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales) will take place in Spanish language the seminar "Inteligencia emocional: nuevos paradigmas (Emotional intelligence: new paradigms)" by Rut Muñoz.

    Rut Muñoz is probably one of the most acknowledged experts in the study of the emotional and psychological dimensions of the relationship between body and mind. She lives in Barcelona and has worked in Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels.

    Tuesday, March 31, 2015

    Seminars: "IT Governance" and "Are Western values in decline?"

     Next April 9th at 17.00 at Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales at class d13 will take place the following seminars:

    - "IT governance"  by Prof. Dr. Vladimir Stantchev [Head of the Institute of Information Systems at SRH Hochschule Berlin.

     - "Are western values in decline ?" by Dieter Kronzucker acknowledged Journalist in different Media worldwide, SRH Hochschule Berlin

    Sunday, March 29, 2015

    Seminars by professors from SRH Hochschule Berlin

    On April 8th at 17.00 will take place the Seminars:

    - "Challenges of human resource management in times of demographic change"  

    - "
    Financial Crisis and Currency Crisis: Is the EU still a role model for Regional Cooperations?"

    Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales class d11 by Prof. Dr. Victoria Büsch [President of the University, Vice President of Research, Programme Director Business Administration] and Prof. Dr. Bert Eichhorn [Vice-President of International affairs] of SRH Hochschule Berlin.

    Friday, March 20, 2015

    Seminar "Organizational crisis preparedness and crisis communication"

    On March 25th at 17:00 will take place the seminar "Organizational crisis preparedness and crisis communication" (with accent on external, macroeconomic and political shocks) by Davor Labas from the University of Zagreb (Croatia). [Class D11].
    The outline of the speech is as follows:
    – Key crisis preparedness and crisis communication activities
    -       Crisis plans (purpose and effectiveness, types of crisis plans)
    -       Crisis teams (defining crisis team members and setting member’s roles in crisis)
    -       Early warning systems (crisis detection and sensing measures, crisis reporting and evaluation)
    -       Communication in crisis (internal and external communication and its specifics, importance of crisis communication)

    The purpose of the lecture is to introduce students to key crisis preparedness activities. Second crucial aspect of the lecture is to elaborate the importance of crisis communication, as well as provide recent eminent examples of crisis communication best practices.

    Tuesday, February 24, 2015

    Doctoral Thesis VIVA by a former students of the Master in Economics

    The Doctoral Thesis presentation and defense (VIVA) by a former students of the Master in Economics Mr. AHMAD M.M. HERZALLAH entitled "The Influence of Implementing Total Quality Management in Competitive Policies in Industrial Firms: An Applied Study in the Industrial Sector in Palestine"will take place with the following details:

    Date: Wednesday 15th, April 2015

    Time: 12.00
    Place: Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.

    Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    Seminar-Symposium in Spanish: "Turismo rural, deportivo y medioambiental"

    On Friday, February, 20th at 17:00 the Seminar-Symposium in Spanish: "Turismo rural, deportivo y medioambiental" will take place at the Salón de Grados of the Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo (C/ Rector López Argüeta) - Universidad de Granada. This event is compulsory for all students of the Master in Economics and it's open for anyone interested. This is also part of the Master in Economics subject "Cultural Economics". 


    - "Turismo deportivo y medioambiental: experiencias en el municipio de El Padul [Sport and environmental tourism: Experiences in El Padul]" by Manuel Alarcón Pérez, Major of El Padul (Granada)

    - "Turismo rural e innovación social: una experiencia en el municipio de Güevéjar [Rural Tourism and social innovation: An experience at Güevéjar]" by Mari Carmen Araque Jiménez de Cisneros, Major of Güevéjar (Granada).

    Tuesday, January 20, 2015

    Seminars in Spanish (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    On February, 5th (Thursday), Prof. Pedro Basualdo from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) at 17:00 in class D13 and former student of the Master in Economics UGR will teach the seminar:

    "Decisiones Estratégicas desde la teoría de la racionalidad limitada, la solución de problemas, los sistemas de información y los sesgos y heurísticas cognitivos"

    On February, 16th (Monday), Prof. Rubén Berenblum from Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) at 17:00 in class D13 will teach the seminar: 

    "Economía y Sociedad en la evolución del Tango Argentino" 

    Monday, January 12, 2015

    Bilingual Seminar on "Young Entrepreneurs: Challenges and Perspectives (Jóvenes emprendedores: Retos y perspectivas)" by Fernando Carrera

    On Monday, January 26th, the Seminar  on "Young Entrepreneurs: Challenges and Perspectives (Jóvenes emprendedores: Retos y perspectivas)" will take place at 9,30 at Seminar D011. In this case, the seminar will be bilingual (English and Spanish) so students as well as the guest will use either language during the presentation. 

    Fernando Carrera López is collaborative professor of communication at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and lectures about strategic persuation at the Universitat de Barcelona. He is an expert in politics assessment and financial consulting as well as active collaborator in the political party Ciudadanos (C's).

    Seminar On Minimum cost spanning tree problems and extensions

    María Gómez-Rúa (Universidad de Vigo)

    Seminar on Minimum cost spanning tree problems and extensions.

    January 15th 2015

    Class: E-03 at 16:30

    ABSTRACT: Mínimum cost spanning tree problems are used to model situations where a group of agents, located at different geographical points, want a particular service which is provided by a common supplier, or source. The agents will be served through connections which entail some cost. However, agents do not care whether they are connected directly or indirectly to the source. Many economic situations can be modeled in this way, for instance, some houses in a village may want to be connected to a common water source or to a power plant. Other examples include communication networks such as Internet, cable television or telephone. 
    In order to study these situations, two steps should be considered: in the first one, agents will construct a minimal cost spanning tree, and once this tree is constructed, the second step consists on dividing its cost between the nodes that benefit from it. In order to do that a rule is used.
    Different rules are usually associated with alternative sets of desired axioms. The aim of the axiomatic characterization is to identify a well-defined set of properties for each rule. 
    Apart from the classical model, there exist many other extensions that modelize different real life situations.