Monday, February 22, 2016

FAQ: Free Mobility

The University of Granada defines a student from free  mobility as: "Student who is enrolled in an official university studies, makes a temporary stay in another university outside programs, conventions or agreements."
The steps that are necessaries for do a free mobility are:

  1. The student must be registered in a Postgraduate program in his/her University.
  2. It will be necessary that both, origin and foreign University, authorise to the student. To ask the permision must complete the pre-admision letter and send it to Master's Academic Coordinators. 
  3. Student must make the payment of the public prices of both universities.
Master in Economics allows their student take a free mobility with a 30 credit or 7 courses as maximum.

The main advantage, is that the student can ask the free mobility in any time, because the online application is open for the full year. And the answer to application take only a month, this is a fast procedure.

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